My top 5 student life tips.

Here are 5 things I learnt over my 4 years at university that may help you through your days.

  1. Cut departmental deadlines short on a personal level. This way you can allow time for any unexpected emergencies to interfere, and if you manage to get it done on time then you can sit back and relax without having to be involved in the last minute panic of your course. Avoid your course group chat at all costs. The person that didn’t turn up to any lectures is starting to panic and you don’t need that in your life.

  2. If you’re tempted to buy something a little pricey, picture the following: someone is giving you what you’re about to buy in one hand, and in the other hand is the amount of money it’s worth in cash. Which one would you pick? If the answer is the latter, don’t buy it.

  3. If you can’t rise and shine, just caffeinate and hope for the best. Not every day will be great - that’s okay. On the days that are lower than normal, consider making a link between your physical and mental health. Doing something that directly cares for your physical health can in turn improve your mental health. Would a hot shower help? Have you eaten a substantial meal yet that day? Have you been working late recently and need some rest? It’s not selfish to look after yourself, it’s absolutely essential. Treat your body like it belongs to somebody you love.

  4. Get yourself involved a community that you feel at home with and understood by. This could be a sports club, a society, making sure you live with people you really like or something outside of uni. We, as humans, are designed to live thrive in groups! With societies and sports clubs, the socials are a great break from work and if you’re struggling to make friends in halls or on your course, this could be a great way in for you. If you’re not sure where to find out more, contact your Students’ Union.

  5. Never work with your laptop plugged in. Start with it fully charged, and when it dies, it’s time for you to take a break and get moving. Get up, go outside, take a walk, do some washing, cook a meal, take a break. When your laptop is recharged and so are you, get straight back to it.

If you’ve got any tips to share, leave a comment below!

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