Chocolate Chip Chickpea Cookies

Song Suggestions

  • Tacones Rojos - Sebastian Yatra

  • Industry Baby - Lil Nas X, Jack Harlow

Who knew a can of chickpeas can make the best batch of vegan choc chip cookies you’ll ever have! Yup. And the recipe is right here. With just 4 other ingredients. You’re in for an absolute treat with these! They’re squishy, loaded with protein and a pure delight to eat.


  • 1 can chickpeas

  • 120g peanut butter (1/2 cup)

  • 60g maple syrup (1/4 cup)

  • Splash of vanilla extract

  • 60g dark chocolate chips (1/3 cup)

  • Flaky sea salt to top (optional)


  1. Blend the chickpeas, maple syrup and vanilla extract. You’ll get a super sweet smelling hummus looking paste thing. It’s delicious.

  2. Blend in the peanut butter until a smooth batter forms.

  3. Add the chocolate chips and mix everything well.

  4. Roll out into cookies, place on a baking tray, sprinkle salt here if you’re using it, and bake at 20 minutes at 200. The very edges should be a dark golden brown when they’re done! They’ll be really soft in the centre - let them cool and they’ll harden slightly.

  5. Enjoy dunked in milk!

A Bite Out of Life

I’ve mentioned in a few previous A Bite Out of Life sections that during covid I moved out to live with my grandparents and I spent more time there than expected. That blessing in disguise saw me be able to spend a lot of time with them that I never had before - here are some pics from our Easter! I put on an afternoon tea spread complete with fresh lemonade, lemons picked that morning from the garden, and to keep it extra lemony I kept the peels from when I made the drink and chopped them up into squares then threaded them onto a skewer. Extra lemony lemonade! The picture on the right shows some plant pots I found around the house that I threaded some string around and turned into a little Easter Egg Hunt basket. I hit loads of chocolates around the first floor of my grandparents’ house and they collected them all into the basket! Memories to cherish forever.


Cosy Cooking: Jackfruit and Potato Stew


Pumpkin, Brussels Sprouts and Cranberry Risotto